Saturday, 23 September 2017

Patreon and the state of things

So first off I'd like to apologise for the delays in getting Unforeseen Consequences out there - I'm dealing with some unforeseen consequences myself at the moment and things have slowed down a bit. I also made the mistake of starting Dark Souls for the first time recently, and anyone who has played Dark Souls knows exactly what I'm talking about when I use the term "time sink".

Pictured: This generation's Simon and Garfunkel.

You may have noticed that a couple of days ago I uploaded a video in which I sat in front of the camera and stumbled over my words about setting up a Patreon account to help continue making this series. I also mentioned that I would elaborate in a blog post, so here we are.

It's been recommended to me numerous times, both via comment sections and by people I've spoken face to face with about this project, that I get on board with Patreon. After humming and hah-ing about it for a while I decided to take the plunge.

So far I've spent over twelve hundred hours in SFM alone making the first two episodes of Half-Life - something I never really expected to happen. It began as a little bit of fun and has since evolved into a full-blown obsession and an artistic commitment I truly want to take to its natural conclusion. This is down in no small part to the huge amount of encouragement I have received from an ever growing group of viewers.
However, the making of Unforeseen Consequences Part 1 has been an incredibly long and arduous process, and has made me realise that this is not something I can continue in the way that it is currently going. Animating alone has taken between six and nine months, and at this rate I'll never get anywhere. Without using motion capture equipment and software, the quality of the animation will never be up to the standard that any of us would like to see from such a big project and would take far too long to produce, and so I have decided that until I am able to afford to get the necessary gear I will not be continuing to adapt Half-Life.

This is not a demand to be repaid for the work I am putting in, but a request for help to continue a project that is now very close to my heart and allow it to grow into something bigger and better than it currently is.

For anyone who would like to become a part of this journey, my Patreon is here:

1 comment:

  1. Will this be developed further? Great work so far!
