Thursday 7 September 2017

Some evidence

See! Told you I was doing something!

"Catch me later and I'll buy you a beer."


  1. Looks great! Ever since I watched Anomalous Materials, I've been wondering how you would continue the story.

    I mean, recreating the entire game in SFM would be an impossible task.

    Why not create "short stories", like one about when Gordon killed the huge silo monster, or when he launched the rocket to destroy the monster.

    Keep it up, can't wait to see what comes next.

  2. Holy mackerel I cannot wait for the next installment!!

  3. Do your best! :)
    Subscribed and Follow

    Ignite our inner Half-Life fire.

  4. You could start a patreon for the whole series, loving your work, keep it up!

  5. I need to say it ... do not you think that you have done the camera plans and the moments ... very "great" I say is how did everything happen? although it is the interpretation of each one there are certain things that are cannon and I would have liked you to be a retailer in that and if you want to tell something with few resources ... but where is the fun to get all the juice to something like half life.

    -The main thing ... everyone in the facility were angry with Gordon for his delay.

    -Gordon is ... meticulous ... I could not call it any other way, I was really hoping to see magnusson and gordon in a situation in the snack ...

    - Is the HEV suit so genius? I tell you that the most humiliating jobs or that nobody wanted to do was done by the unpunctual staff and the only thing that had to do Gordon was to press a button ...
    -There's a picture of a boy in Gordon's closet ... ooooh man ... I expected to see a moment of drama ...

    In conclusion ... I firmly believe that gordon was a nuisance a guest in the installation that excelled in the insidente ... it is not that it is a silly nerd, if not rather than that ... it really was not his day , his animation is something dramatic ... but otherwise it is incredible ...
